Driven av ett oöverträffat arv av innovation och en total dedikation till kvalitet och tillförlitlighet, förklarar Peavey Electronics strävan efter perfektion i musik och ljud. Det är vår förenande anda. Det är bevisat. Och det fortsätter idag.
I nästan fem decennier har Peavey gått sin egen väg mot musikalisk perfektion. Peavey Electronics Corporation grundades av Hartley Peavey 1965 som enmansbutik. Peavey Electronics Corporation är idag en av världens största tillverkare och leverantörer av musikinstrument, förstärkare och professionella ljudsystem, som distribuerar mer än 2000 produkter till över 130 länder.
Hartley har sagt, “För att bli bättre, måste du vara annorlunda.” Det som gör Peavey annorlunda är ett åtagande att närma sig affärer med en unik vision, från produktdesign till distribution till att vara den största oberoende ägaren i branschen. Hans strävan har lett till mer än 180 patent och innovationer i det sätt vi hör och spelar musik.
Hartley Peavey är inte bara den visionära, ledande ingenjören och verkställande direktören, utan också den
lynchpin som förbinder en rik historia med en ljus framtid. Och hans grundande principer om kvalitet, tillförlitlighet och innovation är fortfarande fokus för teknik och tillverkning som spänner över kontinenter och språk, tull och kulturer.
Peavey revolutionerade ljudindustrin 1993 med MediaMatrix, världens första digitalt konfigurerade och kontrollerade distribuerade ljudsystem. Idag är MediaMatrix det mest skalbara, flexibla och specificerade digitala ljuddistributions- och processorsystemet, med mer än 10 000 installationer över hela världen.
Amplitude Audio distribuerar enbart Peavey Commercial Audio, det vill säga de produkter som riktar sig åt den professionella ljudbranschen. Vi distribuerar inte Peaveys instrument, eller instrumentförstärkare.
Product Awards & Recognition (selected, since 1986)
- 2019 Music Inc. Editors Choice Award, MAX® Bass Amp Series
- 2018 Musikmesse International Press Awards (M.I.P.A.), Best Bass Amplifier, Trace Elliot® ELF™ Ultra Compact Bass Amplifer
- 2018 Music Inc. Editors Choice Award, MAX® Bass Amp Series
- 2017 Music Inc. Product Excellence Award, Dark Matter™ Speaker Enclosures
- 2016 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best DJ Product of 2016, Dark Matter™ Speaker Enclosures
- 2015 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Product of the Year, VYPYR® Pro 100
- 2015 Electronic Musician Editors’ Choice Award, Peavey ReValver® 4
- 2014 MMR Dealers Choice Award, Amplifier Line of the Year, Peavey Electronics
- 2014 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best Instrument Amp of 2014, ValveKing® Combo 20
- 2014 NAMM Best In Show awards, Peavey named “Company to Watch”
- 2014 Bass Gear Best of Show, MiniMega®
- 2013 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Sound Reinforcement Line of the Year, Entire Line of Peavey Sound Reinforcement Products
- 2013 African Product Awards Best Musical Product, Peavey Electronics
- 2013 Bass Gear Best of Show, VYPYR® VIP
- 2013 Electronic Musician Editor’s Choice Award, AT-200™
- 2013 NAMM Best In Show “Gotta Stock It”, VYPYR® VIP
- 2013 Worship Leader Best of the Best, Gadgets/Accessories, MuseBox™
- 2013 Worship Leader Best of the Best, Worship Team: Bass, TNT® 115
- Guitar World Platinum Award, AT-200™, January 2013
- 2012 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Sound Reinforcement Line of the Year, Entire Line of Peavey Sound Reinforcement Products
- 2012 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best Power Amp, IPR™ 3000 DSP
- Guitar Player Editor’ Pick, AT-200™, Holiday 2012
- Guitar Player Editors’ Pick, Triple XXX® II, November 2012
- Guitar World Platinum Award, Triple XXX® II, November 2012
- Guitarist Guitarist Choice Award, AT-200™, November 2012
- 2011 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Sound Reinforcement Line of the Year, Peavey Impulse® 12D
- 2011 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Power Amplifier, IPR™ 3000
- 2011 Music & Sound Retailer Award, ReValver™ MKIII.V, Best New Multimedia/Software
- Music Inc. Best Products of 2011, AmpKit LiNK™
- Guitar Player Editors’ Pick, Session™, December 2011
- Worship Leader Best of the Best Award 2011, Impulse 12D® and Sanctuary Series S32™
- Guitar Player Editors’ Pick, PowerSlide™, May 2011
- Guitar World Gold Award, AmpKit LiNK™, February 2011
- 2010 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Amp Line of the Year, Vypyr®
- 2010 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Instrument Amp, 6505®+ 112
- 2010 MIPA (Musikmesse International Press Award), Best Guitar Amp Combo, Vypyr® 15
- 2010 NAMM Best In Show awards, Peavey named “Company to Watch”
- 2009 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Power Amp of 2009, IPR™ 1600
- 2009 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Amp Line of the Year, Vypyr®
- Guitar World Gold Award for Overall Value, PXD™ Void III, November 2009
- Bass Player Editor Award, VB-3™, September 2009
- Guitar World Gold Award for Overall Value, Vypyr® 75, August 2009
- 2009 Live Sound International/ProSoundWeb.com Readers’ Choice Award, Best Large Format Line Array, Versarray™ 112
- 2009 Music Inc Supplier Excellence Award, Overall Excellence
- 2009 Guitar Player Readers’ Choice Award, Best Home Studio Gear of 2009, ReValver™ MKIII
- 2009 Future Music (UK), Platinum and Value awards, ReValver™ MKIII
- 2008 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Instrument Amp of the Year, Vypyr®
- 2008 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Product of the Year, Vypyr®
- 2008 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Amplifier Line of the Year, Vypyr®
- 2008 Premier Guitar Premier Gear Award, ReValver™ MKIII
- 2008 ESPN “Easy Points: The Best of CES,” RiffMaster™ Gaming Controller
- 2007 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Sound Reinforcement Line of the Year
- 2007 Music Inc Supplier Excellence Award, Product Innovation
- Guitar World Gold Award for Overall Value, Windsor™, December 2007
- Bass Player Editor’s Award, Tour 700™ and Tour 410™, November 2007
- Guitar World Gold Award for Overall Value, ValveKing®, September 2007
- Adobe Systems Web Site of the Day, PeaveyCustomShop.com, August 27, 2007
- 2007 NAMM Best In Show, PeaveyCustomShop.com
- 2006 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Amplifier Line of the Year
- 2006 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Sound Reinforcement Line of the Year
- 2006 Music Inc Supplier Excellence Award, Level Playing Field (Dealer Fairness)
- Guitar World Platinum Award for Quality & Design, HP Special™ CT guitar, August 2006
- 2005 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Effects Processor, Dual DeltaFex®
- 2005 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Power Amplifier, CS® 800×4
- 2005 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Sound Reinforcement Line of the Year
- 2005 Music Inc Supplier Excellence Award, Level Playing Field (Dealer Fairness)
- 2005 MIPA (Musikmesse International Press Award), Best Guitar Top, JSX®
- 2004 Music & Sound Retailer Awards, Manufacturer of the Year
- 2004 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Rep of the Year, Gregg Wilson
- 2004 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Power Amplifier, PV® 2600
- 2004 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Instrument Amplifier of the Year, JSX®
- 2004 Music Inc Supplier Excellence Award, Product Innovation
- 2004 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Sound Reinforcement Line of the Year
- 2004 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Amplifier Line of the Year, January 2005
- Guitar Player Editors’ Pick Award, JSX®, May 2004
- Guitar Player Readers’ Choice Award, Best Amp Head, Triple XXX®, November 2004
- Guitar Player Editors’ Pick Award, XXL™, 2003
- Guitar Player Editors’ Pick Award, V-Type™, September 2003
- 2003 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Outstanding Product Development
- 2003 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Power Amp, CS® 800H
- 2003 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best Speaker/Cabinet, PR™ 15
- 2003 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Rack Effect, Kosmos® Pro
- 2003 MIA (Music Industries Association, UK) Award, Individual Contribution to the Music Industry, Ken Achard
- 2003 MIA (Music Industries Association, UK) Award, Best Overall Live P.A. System, Escort®
- 2002 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Rep of the Year, Robin Venters
- 2002 Music & Sound Retailer Award, 2002 Product of the Year, Feedback Ferret®
- 2002 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Manufacturer of the Year
- 2002 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best Power Amp, PV® 2600
- 2002 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Instrument Amp, TransTube® 258 EFX
- 2002 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Bass, Cirrus™ Quilt Top
- 2002 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Mixer/Console, XR® 696F
- 2002 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New DJ Product, Club Mix™
- 2002 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Rack Effect, Feedback Ferret®
- 2002 EQ Blue Ribbon Award, Kosmos®
- 2001 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Mixer/Console, RQ™ 4324
- 2000 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Mixer/Console, RQ™ 2318
- 1999 Guitar Player Editor’s Pick Award, Wolfgang® Special*
- 1999 Live Sound International Tin Ear Award, SP™ Series
- 1999 Gig Prove It All Night Award, PVM™ 22
- 1999 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Amplifier Line of the Year, TransTube®
- 1999 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Mixer/Console, XR® 684
- 1999 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Bass, Cirrus™ 5
- 1999 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Guitar, Wolfgang® Special*
- 1999 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Product of the Year, Wolfgang® Special*
- 1998 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Power Amp, CS® 800S
- 1998 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Speakers/Cabinet, SP™ 3G
- 1998 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Microphone/Wireless System, PVM™ 22
- 1997 EQ Blue Ribbon Award, SRM™ 2410, Best in Show AES
- 1997 Technology Applied to Amusement Award, MediaMatrix®, 79th IAAPA Convention
- 1997 TEC (Technical Excellence & Creativity), Outstanding Technical Achievement in Amplifier Technology, CS® 800S
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Best Manufacturer for Service & Repair
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Power Amps, Peavey 8.5c
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Effects & Processors, DeltaFex®
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Bass Amps, T Max™
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Instrument Amps, Rage® 158
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, P.A. Enclosures; Peavey 115 DL
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Studio Monitors, Impulse® II
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Powered Mixers, XR® 600e
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, DJ Audio Equipment, CD Mix™ 9072A
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Instrument Cabinets/Speakers, 412MS
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Basses, Milestone®
- 1997 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Best New Lighting Product, Lite 3008
- 1997 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Guitar of the Year, Wolfgang®*
- 1996 Electronic Musician Editor’s Choice Award, MAQ 300 and 600
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten Award, Best Manufacturer for Service & Repair
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, DJ Audio Equipment, CD Mix™ 9072A
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Powered Mixers, XRD® 680
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Power Amps, Peavey 8.5c
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, Instrument Amps, Rage® 158
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, P.A. Enclosures, SP™ 5XT
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Best of the Top Ten, P.A. Enclosures; Peavey 115 DL
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Product of 1995, Raptor®
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Product, Guitars & Basses; Raptor®
- 1996 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Speaker, Monitor or Cabinet; SP™ 5XT
- 1996 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Outstanding Product Development
- 1995 Musician Editor’s Pick Award, MAQ™ 300 and 600
- 1995 Electronic Musician Editor’s Choice Award, VMP-2™
- 1995 Electronic Musician Editor’s Choice Award, Spectrum Analog Filter™
- 1995 NSCA Expo Award
- 1995 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Outstanding Product Development
- 1995 EQ Blue Ribbon Award, MediaMatrix® Miniframe 100, Best in Show AES
- Most Popular Bass Amp 1994, TNT® 115, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- Amp of the Year 1994, Bandit® 112, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- 1994 Electronic Musician Editor’s Choice Award, MIDI Controller Peavey C8
- 1994 MMR Dealers’ Choice Award, Outstanding Product Development
- Rack in the Box Award, MediaMatrix®, AES (Audio Engineering Society) Convention, 1994
- Best in Show, Delta VU™, AES (Audio Engineering Society) Convention, 1994
- Best Club P.A. 1993, XR® 680, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- Bass Amp of the Year 1993, TKO® 65, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- Amp of the Year 1993, Bandit® 112, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- 1993 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Speaker, Monitor or Cabinet; Mini Monitor™ II
- 1993 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Bass, MIDIBase™
- 1993 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Lighting Product, Lighting Solutions
- 1993 MMR (Musical Merchandise Review) Dealers’ Choice Award, Outstanding Product Development
- Best New Bass 1992, MIDIBase™, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- 1992 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Sound Reinforcement Product, SP™ 5Ti
- 1992 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative DJ Product, CD Mix™ 7032
- 1992 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Lighting Product, PV® Lite System 3000
- Amp of the Year 1991, Bandit® 112, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- Best in Show, SDR™ 20/20, 91st AES (Audio Engineering Society) Convention, 1991
- 1991 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Manufacturer Ad Campaign, DPM-3™
- 1991 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Microphone, 520TN™
- 1991 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Bass, TL6™
- 1991 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Instrument Amp, Bravo™
- Amp of the Year 1990, Bandit® 112, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- 1990 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Product, Keyboards; DPM-3™
- 1990 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Lighting Product; Lite 2400™
- 1989 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Product, Microphones; PVM™ 38
- 1989 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Product, Sound Reinforcement; Deca 528
- 1989 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Product, Loudspeakers, Monitors, Enclosures & Components; HDH
- Amp of the Year 1987, LTD™, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- Best Amp of 1987, Bandit®, Making Music Magazine (UK) Readers’ Poll
- 1987 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Product, Sound Reinforcement; DECA™ 1200
- 1987 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Product, Instrument Amplifiers; Mega Bass
- 1986 Music & Sound Retailer Award, Most Innovative Product, Sound Reinforcement; DECA™ 700
Corporate Honors & Awards (selected, since 1978)
- Hartley and Mary Peavey named recipients of 2019 Governor’s Choice Award in the Mississippi Arts Commission’s Governor’s Arts Awards
- Recipient of AV Magazine‘s AV Awards 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award, September 2015 in London, England
- 2015 NAMM Milestone Award for 50 Years of Service In The Music Products Industry
- 2015 Musical Merchandise Review & Front Of House Special Appreciation Award in Commemoration of 50 Years of Service to the Music Industry
- Named Citizen of the Year by The Meridian Star, March 2, 2012
- Recipient of the MIPA (Musikmesse International Press Association) Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement Award, March 2010
- Inaugural inductee to the Mississippi Innovators Hall of Fame, May 2008
- Recipient of the Distinguished Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the University of Southern Mississippi College of Business, April 2008
- 2008 Mississippi Tourism Association Award for Event of the Year, for “Mississippi: Celebrating a 50-Year GRAMMY Legacy” event
- Recipient of Torchbearer Award from Better Business Bureau of Mississippi, March 2007
- Recipient of inaugural Outstanding Community Award for charitable response to Hurricane Katrina, 2005 Music & Sound Retailer Awards, January 2006
- Recipient of inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award, 2005 Music & Sound Retailer Awards, January 2006
- Hartley Peavey’s adaptation of CNC (computer numeric controlled) routing and copy lathe techniques to instrument making listed on Guitar Player‘s 101 Greatest Moments in Guitar History, April 2005
- Named Man of the Year by The Music Trades, April 2005
- Inducted into Vintage Guitar Magazine’s Hall of Fame by readers of Vintage Guitar, April 2005
- Recipient of inaugural manufacturer’s Lifetime Achievement Award from Guitar Player Magazine, January 2005
- Recipient of Special Appreciation Award for 40 years of service to the music industry, MMR (Musical Merchandise Review), January 2005
- Recipient of Honorary Doctor of Creative & Performing Arts degree from Mississippi State University (also delivered commencement address), May 8, 2004
- Recipient of Guy Tozzoli Peace Through Trade Distinguished Leadership Award, Mississippi World Trade Center, 2003
- Highway 493 North in Meridian, Miss., renamed Hartley Peavey Drive, January 30, 2003
- Hartley Peavey inducted into Mississippi Musicians Hall of Fame, 2001
- Recipient of NAB (National Association of Business) Distinguished Performance Award for School-to-Work Company of the Year, 1998
- Recipient of second annual EQ Magazine People of the Year Award, December 1994
- Named No. 27 on the list of Top 100 Most Important People in Guitar by Guitar World magazine, May 1994
- Recipient of the Senatorial Medal of Freedom, May 1994
- Recipient of Business Alumni Fellows Award by Mississippi State University for alumni who have distinguished themselves in their respective careers, March 28, 1994
- Recipient of 1993 Motorola Product of Imagination Award, presented by Electronics Engineering Times at the Powered by Motorola Awards ceremony in Austin, Texas, March 3, 1994
- Received the United States Merchant Marine’s Appreciation Award from the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration, December 8, 1993
- Peavey Europe named Company of the Year by Backstage Musick Magazine, 1992
- Honoree of The National Literacy Honors Award, selected for distinguished achievement and personal initiative in the cause for a literate America, November 22, 1992
- Honored by President George H. W. Bush with a tour of Peavey Electronics and speech to all employees, the first occasion of a U.S. President recognizing a music and sound equipment manufacturer with a personal visit, December 3, 1991
- Representative of one of the 20 companies selected nationwide to participate in the Japan Corporate Program sponsored by the United States Department of Commerce, January 1991 and January 1996
- Listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the worldwide music industry in February ’88, ’89 and ’90 issues of BAM Magazine
- Inducted into the Rock Walk of Fame, Hollywood, California, January 17, 1990
- Honored for Best Training Program by NAMM (International Music Products Association), 1989
- Honored by the Meridian Public School System by renaming the Ross Collins Vocational School Auditorium (est. 1942) as the Hartley D. Peavey Auditorium, 1989
- Honored by the Meridian/Lauderdale County Chamber of Commerce by the establishment of the Hartley Peavey Entrepreneurial Award (annual award given to regional entrepreneurs), 1989
- Recipient of Award of Merit for Excellence of Commitment to Music in Mississippi, 1988
- Inducted into the International Music Products Association (NAMM) Hall of Fame, 1988
- Received “Captains of Industry” Tribute for State of Mississippi by Jackson Business Journal, 1988
- Honored as Outstanding Alumnus of the Year by the Mississippi Association of Vocational Educators, 1985
- Named permanent recipient of the Export Award for the State of Mississippi, 1986
- Received Presidential “E Star” Award for Excellence in Exporting from the U.S. Department of Commerce, 1985
- Designated as Man of the Year by The Meridian Star, 1984
- Named Mississippian of the Year by Mississippi Broadcasters Association, 1984
- Received Mississippi Export Excellence Award, 1984
- Received Mississippi Export Excellence Award, 1983
- Named Honorary Member of the National Association of Young Music Merchants, 1983
- Honored by the City of Meridian by establishing April 21, 1982 as “Hartley Peavey Day”
- Received Industrial Glove Award (Governor’s Award for top industry in Mississippi), 1980
- Recipient of Recognition for Contribution, Mississippi Executive Department, 1978
- Received President’s “E” Award for Exports from the U.S. Department of Commerce, 1978
* Wolfgang® is a registered trademark of E.L.V.H., Inc. All rights reserved.